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Sound Business Insights

May 2, 2023

In Sound Business Insights Episode 30 – Management Service Organization or MSOs Dan discusses one of the most effective ways to improve a medical practice or healthcare-related business: the Management Service Organization or MSO.  What is an MSO and how can it help a medical practice or healthcare business to improve operational profitability, increase revenues, reduce expenses, all while increasing the quality of care delivered by the practice as well as the patient experience?

Dan explains that an MSO is much like an administrator for your business.  Doctors shouldn't have to do it all, provide healthcare and run a business.  In fact, the doctor(s) can make more money, deliver better healthcare and improve patient quality experiences by allowing outside investors to bring money and business skill into the operation while keeping the MSO completely separate from the delivery of healthcare.  This avoids the "corporate practice of medicine" while allowing medical professionals to leverage the investment and skill of non-licensed professionals to grow their practice, improve their facilities, streamline operations and increase the bottom line.

An MSO must be carefully structured to comply with complex federal and California laws such as HIPAA, Stark and other regulatory requirements to separate the practice of medicine from the business side of things.  The Watkins Firm advises both medical professionals as well as MSO administrators and entrepreneurs.